Climate Action Campaign

Highlighted Program: Climate Action Plan Report Cards
Looking for: board members
giv4 Category: Advocacy/Justice
Contact for more information:
Alexandria Fisher
Director of Philanthropy
[email protected]
Climate Action Campaign is a unique, grassroots San Diego organization. From energy to housing to transportation, CAC is at the table for every major climate decision in the region. In the next five years, CAC will implement a replicable and scalable regional model for an equitable transition to Zero Carbon. Cities are leading the way on climate solutions and we leverage this innovation and creativity to model solutions that can be scaled and replicated around the world.
What makes your organization unique in its approach to addressing climate change?
Climate Action Campaign’s bottom-up theory of change puts municipalities, local industry leaders, nonprofits and communities at the epicenter of climate action and climate solutions. Collaborating across sectors, CAC is leading the region to achieve zero emissions by 2035, in line with what climate science says is necessary to protect our health and future. See CAC's 2023 Policy Agenda.
How do climate/environmental changes affect the San Diego region specifically? How can people in San Diego become a part of local solutions?
In Southern California, we are already seeing the impacts of the climate emergency in our community with more intense and frequent heat waves, fires, drought, sea level rise, and air pollution. According to the American Lung Association, the air in San Diego County puts people’s health at risk, with a weighted average of 37 high ozone days annually (days where combined weather and pollution form high levels of dangerous and toxic ozone). Communities of concern and other vulnerable populations are especially at high risk.
The state of California has enacted climate laws and both the federal government and the state have committed an unprecedented amount of funding to help pay for the transition to a clean energy economy. However, we still face significant powerful opposition resisting the transition away from a fossil fuel-powered economy.
Climate Action Campaign leverages the power of the community to drive change and pilot local policy solutions. We work with community members and community-based organizations to create broad-based coalitions that develop the necessary political will to win climate victories. To support us in our mission, San Diego residents can (1) make a donation to help us fight the climate crisis, (2) sign-up for e-blast emails and texts that include local calls to action, and (3) follow us on social media!
When was the organization founded?
Climate Action Campaign was founded in 2015 by Nicole Capretz to push the City of San Diego’s landmark Climate Action Plan across the finish line in the face of strong opposition. Capretz authored the Climate Action Plan while serving in the Mayor’s office, and secured adoption by building grassroots support and forming cross-sector collaborations and coalitions. San Diego became the largest city in the United States to make a legally-binding commitment towards 100% clean electricity by 2035. They were also the first city in California to integrate equity and require an equity index to prioritize investments and climate solutions.
This success set the stage for Climate Action Campaign to pass eight other 100% clean electricity Climate Action Plans throughout San Diego, and helped the City of Irvine adopt a similar plan—a ground-breaking first for San Diego’s neighboring county, Orange County.
CAC also helped launch two nonprofit Community Choice Energy programs that are now serving the majority of cities and the county, and are both committed to achieving 100% clean electricity by 2035. In addition, these agencies are reinvesting their revenues back into the community and planning new local programs to help families electrify their homes and create more locally generated power through rooftop solar, EVs, storage and microgrids.
Are there any recent news articles/publications/videos by or about your organization that you’d like to highlight?
Is your organization looking for volunteers? Are you looking for committee/board members with particular skill sets? Do you need in-kind donations of any sort?
We are currently seeking board members with the ability to fundraise on behalf of Climate Organization and help steward current and prospective funders. Additionally, we would like to add a board member with financial management experience and an individual that would be willing to join our audit committee.
We want to ensure giv4 climate has geographic and socioeconomic diversity/representation. Where do you operate in the SD region? Are there particular communities that your work supports?
While the climate crisis affects all of us, it impacts communities of color first and worst. We need integrated solutions that fight the climate crisis, center communities of concern, and build a just society with an economy in which everyone can prosper. This is why Climate Action Campaign battles the climate crisis through the lens of equity and justice. We fight for urgent climate action so that San Diego and Orange County’s communities of concern can enjoy access to clean air, clean water, and economic opportunity. We know that this is the only true path to our long-term survival on this planet.
What else would you want people to know about your organization?
This is a critical crossroads in San Diego’s history where we have the political will, the tools, and the resources to transform our economy and model a zero emissions future centering equity and justice. Significant state and federal funds are available to help San Diego implement our bold climate goals, as long as we come together as a region and seize the opportunity. Climate Action Campaign’s work to educate the community, build cross-sector coalitions and spur elected officials to action relies on the buy-in and generosity of individuals and foundations.