

Big Picture Questions

The Jewish Community Foundation is historically the largest grant maker in San Diego. An important part of our mission is to advance a sustainable, just and vibrant society for all of San Diego. Many people want to tackle causes like homelessness and local climate change but don’t know where to begin. We want to (1) make giving easier and (2) help people better understand the issues. You can read more about JCF here.

No! 100% of the money received goes directly to the non-profits in the fund.

We don’t believe there’s one “best” way. Our goal is to make it simpler to give impactfully to a specific cause like climate change in San Diego. Donors may not want to painstakingly research every organization, so we’ve worked with experts to do the hard part instead. When you give together with others, the power of collective philanthropy can be harnessed for greater impact.

About the Non-Profits In the giv4 Fund

We believe in a transparent and open process - we explain in detail here. The short version: we asked experts in this field – including the San Diego Foundation, USD's Nonprofit Institute, the San Diego Climate Collaborative, BQuest Foundation, and certain individuals with a depth of substantive knowledge locally – to identify different metrics and qualitative factors so we could curate the fund as effectively as possible. We want to (1) address immediate needs and also (2) work towards systemic change. All non-profits must have strong governance and financial oversight practices, deploy donor funds appropriately and have inclusive services. If you’re a non-profit interested in more information, please email [email protected].

There are many impactful organizations that we couldn’t include for practical reasons even though they do amazing work in the field. Being excluded is not a reflection of their work. It reflects the limitations of curating a fund. With many more organizations in the fund, the grant amounts would be diluted so much they would lose impact for the nonprofits. As we build out our platforms, we hope to create ways to connect donors to organizations that could not participate in the fund

We anticipate some organizations rolling in/out of the fund each year. This is part of our educational goal to help donors achieve a broader understanding of the issues by exposing them to more organizations, and to ensure that many impactful organizations receive funding over time. An organization may also be replaced if it loses its nonprofit status, no longer meets eligibility criteria or grant obligations, or otherwise becomes ineligible.

Ways to Donate

Yes. We can process crypto donations directly through our website and stocks, bonds and other appreciated assets through a stock transfer process. Please click here for more details.

You are welcome to. A gift of $10,000 would incur nearly $300 in credit card processor fees, though, so if you would like to discuss different ways of giving, please reach out to [email protected].

JCF Donor Advised Fund (DAF) holders can make a grant via this page, via JCF Connect, or your usual staff contact (just indicate "giv4 climate" as the grantee).

If you hold a DAF with a different institution, you can make a grant for the purpose of "giv4 climate San Diego fund" to the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego, EIN 95-2504044, 4950 Murphy Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92123. Please reach out to [email protected] if you require more information.

All DAF holders making a grant will receive access to the giv4 platform for 12 months.

Where Does The Money Go? What Happens Next?

All of the funds we receive will be divided evenly among the nonprofits in the fund. They will each receive a quarterly disbursement. If you’re a DAF holder making a one-time grant, your grant will be distributed over the course of 12 months.

No. They will not receive your contact information.

We would love to connect you with any of the organizations that you like - but that will require you to opt-in and explicitly agree to share your contact information. The default is that your contact information will not be shared.

You will receive updates each month on the impact of your giving. This will include impact reports, new videos from the non-profits, educational pieces about climate work in san diego, and opportunities for you to connect with different non-profits. 

If you have feedback or ideas on how we can better connect you with the work of overcoming environmental changes in San Diego, we would love to collaborate - email us at [email protected]

We collaborated with climate experts from San Diego Foundation, the Nonprofit Institute, the Regional Climate Collaborative and BQuest Foundation, and individual experts, to curate the fund. Learn more about the fund curation process here.


If you have more questions about how giv4 works, check out our FAQs or email [email protected] with your questions.


Ready to join us in working to take on climate change together? Click here to get started.

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